We Teach Drama
Whether you are an early career drama teacher or have years of experience, you never stop developing your subject knowledge and pedagogy. So how can we best support you in your day-to-day teaching, so you can engage and inspire your students?
We create:
Beautifully designed FREE resources, including worksheets, templates, glossaries & lesson plans.
Inspiring CPD in the form of webinars, focused on GCSE & A-Level Examinations, Set Texts, Theatre Design and Practitioners.
Interactive Student Workbooks and videos for teaching set, lighting, costume & sound, developed by professional theatre-makers.
Meet The Team

News on our Collaboration with Broken Puppet Theatre Company

Broken Puppet Theatre Company, based in Devon, was founded in 2012 by a small team of creative practitioners, who wanted to redefine their professional and community-based Theatre, Puppetry Arts and Film Production practices to become more inclusive and accessible to other artists and audiences who share their lived experiences of chronic illness and/or invisible disabilities. Founder and Creative Director/Producer Clare McCarthy says:: " I had been a successful freelance Creative Director/Producer for over 12 years already, but when I later acquired a disability, I soon realised that the sector was nowhere near as inclusive or accessible as it should be for people like me, and it didn't take long for me to find others who had experienced similar career disruptions due purely to a change in their health. Our sector's outdated perceptions of what 'disability' meant in practice led to a lot of 'accidental exclusion' and one of the projects we set up in order to help address this was 'Broken:Live' - A programme for house and bed bound artists and makers, who were largely unable to access more traditional training or follow financially viable career paths within the creative sector, because their unpredictable health or mobility needs posed too big of a challenge. We're now about to launch the 7th season of our Broken live programme, and were researching for a new season of Broken Live workshops when we first learned of We Teach Drama and their brilliant online learning resources. I immediately reached out to WTD's founder, Lucy Bellingham, to discuss the potential for a collaboration - initially just to trial their 'Think Like A Designer' resource packs; to explore if these provisions would be a good fit for our Broken Live programme. The packs were an instant hit and in return for the use of these we were able to provide some feedback on digital accessibility to help WTD develop the resources too. Lucy and I quickly began discussing the potential to develop a puppetry specific addition to the WTD learning pack offer, and are currently working together to run a series of R and D sessions in our respective sectors to explore what these might look like, and how a fuller programme of integrated activities may emerge from this connection - It's a very exciting collaboration for us and we can't wait to see what we can achieve by joining forces on this creative adventure!'

"Lucy invests in people like no-one I know, and always
manages to strike an incredible balance between creative encouragement and practical support."
— Will Maynard, Drama Teacher & Director

"Natasha is an excellent drama practitioner who navigates the curriculum with fresh ideas which inspire her students"
— Jessica Wali,
Drama Teacher