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A 46-Page Pack of 10 Drama Scripts which have been written for Key Stage 3. Exploring a variety of themes, topics and styles, this pack can be used for up to 20 hours of practical drama. 


Each script is engaging, age-appropriate and includes both lesson ideas and an editable worksheet.


They can be used as stand-alone scripts, as a starting point for a scheme of work or as meaningful cover lessons. These scripts have been written by experienced Head of Drama Rob Otton and have been tried and tested with Key Stage 3 students over time.


Scripts can be printed and used again and again! The pack also includes LARGE PRINT versions of the scripts, to make them accessible to all learners. A list of drama skills are sign-posted at the top of each script. 


10 Drama Scripts for Key Stage 3

  • When you purchase all four mats, you receive a Schools Licence. This means that you can share the mats directly with students as a digital PDF or printable version and multiple teachers within one school can use the resources. This does not permit you to share the resources outside of your school. For more information, go to We Teach Drama

  • Once purchased, you will be receive a Zip File with the Script Pack.  The pack is an Editable PDf and includes large print versions of the scripts at the back. 

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